Ruben & Lacey (by Derek Erdman)
Hello, Friends and Family and Family Friends and Friends who are like Family:

We are getting married on October 4th, 2008 at the Mt Baker Community Clubhouse in the Mount Baker neighborhood of Seattle, not on top of a mountain like you might be thinking. It's a Saturday and we'll probably have the wedding at 4pm or so. It won't be super fancy--we want to have a great party with everyone we love and not worry too much about perfect flower arrangements or formal niceties. There won't be keg stands, and I'll be wearing a dress, but let's just call it casual.

Our fine dudes in Coconut Coolouts have graciously agreed to form a Kinks cover band for the event, so if you'd like to sing a song with them (or if you want to join the band--I don't think they've gotten very far. And by 'not very far' I mean they haven't practiced yet) be sure to let us or them know and we'll love you forever. Also, whoever comes up with the best name for the band wins something. (Kinda Kinks doesn't count and there are prizes for 'dirtiest name' and 'punniest name'.)

Okay, well, we'll take all the suggestions and help we can get, so don't be shy. Big thanks already to Laura, Alissa, Kim, and Lauren. Yer the best!


Saturday, August 9, 2008


We finally got the invites in and we'll be sending them out this weekend. If you've moved or gotten married (I'm looking at you, Ian) you should send us your new address. Send it here:

1 comment:

aunt bamamfa said...

yay getting married! i'm coming, and i'm bringing a lortz! but you probably already knew that.... xoxo